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Which Cereal are They?

I’m about to attempt to identify my family members to hot and cold cereals that coorolate with their personalities. Mom would have to be like oatmeal. She’s so predictable in what she says and does. You just know if she says, “We’ll see,” when it comes to making some sort of plans for the future, you just know the answer’s going to be “no.” NOw, hot cereal you know is going to be hot but sometimes, like the real stuff like I eat every morning, can come out mushy or more oaty, depending on how much water you boil. Sometimes Mom’s reactions to certain things I tell her that I think will shock her meerly gets a totally diffferent response. NOw she’s oaty and not mushy as I’d expected her to be. Dad’s very wishy-washy. HE forgets everything you tell him, because he doesn’t lisetn to you! I’d say he’s a lot like Oats and MOre cereal or soemthing with all those nuts and things. YOu never know what’s going to be on your spoon, and whether or not yuo get nuts or more flakes. He varies so much. My youngest sister’s a lot like Lucky Charms. You just know what she’s all about; you expect that marshmellow taste and all. My sister’s kind of that way. You can guarantee she’s going to talk about the same thing all the time. The same morning routine in the morning. Think the same way and rtaed the same category in books. My other sister is something like Blueberry MOrning cereael. I mean, some of those disgusting fake berries are really hard and some are okay. But she’s a partyer. Sometimes she’s really ince and other times you can’t figure her out. Now, as for me, well, I’m pretty consistent most of the time but do random things just for fun. I guess I could safely say I’m a box of Kashi Cereal. That healthy stuff with the twigs and all that comes in a million different flavors. I think that’s me because my mind is constantly daydreaming on all sorts of random things and things my family is very closed-minded of, like stuff I post here! Okay, I know this isn’t like my usual posts, but I felt random. So there’s your proof.

About annothray

I enjoy swimming, writing poetry and journaling, animals, fantasy and soft science fiction, playing drums and taking in nature. I have an Associate's with a concentration in psychology and enjoy understanding the unsolved mysteries of everyday experiences of others' and myself recorded here on this blog.

One response to “Which Cereal are They?

  1. This is a good and creative way to identify personalities. Nice post.

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